Funny Things to Talk to a Girl About

Funny questions are a great way to make first dates memorable as they are generally nerve wrecking as much as they are interesting, especially when the potential lovers are coming from two different worlds. Two people meeting for the first time, with each trying to make a good impression can be really awkward sometimes.

First dates most times determine what direction a relationship would take. And, as the guy, you need to be on top of your game; you need to do all you can to impress your dream girl. Ladies love guys who are funny – imagine her laughing and blushing throughout the meeting, it will be a moment she would love to experience over and over again.

If you don't want to embarrass yourself on a first date, especially when its a date you've been looking forward to; these funny questions are your salvation! They have the capacity to spark fantastic conversation with any woman and create room for hours of conversation. Feel free to use this article as a guide whilst on a date.

70 Funny Questions to Ask a Girl

1) What was your funniest moment in life?

2) Does anyone ever vanish with a trace?

3) Why is there an expiration date on sour cream?

4) Why are those "easy open" food packages never easy to open?

5) What is the one thing I won't get to know about you after this first meeting?

6) Do you think Tony the Tiger is sexy? (Don't ask this question unless you have a better story on Tony the Tiger.)

7) Did Adam and Eve have navels?

8) Do illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?

9) Are you going to call me after this dinner?

10) Has a guy ever asked you to marry him?

11) Do you have any wild fantasies?

12) If you had to choose between me and your best friend, who would you choose?

13) What is the one thing you are most ashamed of doing to a friend?

14) Would you go out of your way to help a friend?

15) How much money do you hope to make in life?

16) What's your favorite sports car?

17) Do you think Lipton employees are allowed to take coffee breaks?

18) Which habit are you most proudest of breaking?

19) Do you think that fishes get thirsty?

20) What is the opposite of opposite?

21) What word starts with "f" and ends with "u-c-k"? (The answer is firetruck – so maybe save this question until you know her better)

22) Would you ever consider putting your parents in an old age home?

23) Have you ever been arrested?

24) Do you shy away from real love?

25) What was the strangest punishment your parents ever gave you?

26) Do you like going for parties?

27) Do you think my friends are hot?

28) Are you Eco-conscious?

29) Are you ever jealous of me?

30) Have you ever been jealous of your closest friends?

31) Do you like experimenting with new things in life?

32) What super power do you dream of having?

33) Which famous person would you like to be?

34) Do you believe there is only one love for everyone?

35) Have your friends said good things about me?

36) Did you ever have a crush on your best friend's boyfriends?

37) If you could visit anywhere where would you go?

38) If you could be anyone in history who would it be? Why?

39) If you could be any fictional character who would it be?

40) If the world was going to end and you knew it, what 3 things would you do?

41) What's the best/worst gift you ever got?

42) When have you been very proud of someone else/yourself?

43) What do you wish you were better at?

44) Tell me about something you learned today?

45) What's the favorite thing you did today?

46) What's your favorite lyric from a song?

black couple first date

See Also: 10 Most Passionate Ways To Say "I Love You" Without Words

More Funny Questions to Ask a Girl

47) What song/cd impacted you the most or helped you through something?

48) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?

49) Is there anyone you haven't forgiven?

50) What is your dream car or vehicle if price didn't matter?

51) Who was your favorite teacher in high school and what did they teach?

52) Have you met anyone famous?

53) What is the thing you can't help but spend money on?

54) If you could change something about the world, what would it be and why?

55) What is the craziest thing you've done?

56) If your job made you move, but you could choose which country you would be living in, which country would you choose and why?

57) What is your favorite TV show?

58) What is your worst habit?

59) How would you describe yourself if you could only use five words?

60) Do you have any phobias?

61) What is your favorite day of the week?

62) What website would you say you never go a single day without viewing it?

63) Would you rather regret doing something, or not doing it?

64) What do you think your best characteristic is?

65) If you were given the day off from all of your everyday responsibilities, how would you spend it?

66) Who do you talk to more when in a problem, your mother or father?

67) If there's a next life, who would you want to be?

68) Which is your favorite gender, male or female and why?

69) What do you like dreaming about?

70) How long would you love to live?

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